- Apogee of Despair
- Apogeic Swell
- Apogem
- Apogheum
- Apoka
- Apokalipsa
- Apokalipsis
- Apokalipszis Árnyék
- Apokalyptic Raids
- Apokalyptic Warlust
- Apokatastasia
- Apokatastasis
- Apokefale
- Apokrifos
- Apokrypha
- Apokryphos
- Apokrypta
- Apoleon
- Apolhocaust
- Apoliom
- Apolion
- Apolion's Genocide
- Apollgon
- Apollinic Rites
- Apollo Ra
- Apollyn
- Apollyon
- Apollyon
- Apollyon
- Apollyon
- Apollyon
- Apollyon
- Apollyon Sun
- Apologist
- Apologist
- Apolokia
- Apolokia
- Apolon
- Apolyom
- Apophenia
- Apophis
- Apoplex
- Apoplexy
- Apoplexy
- Apoplexy
- Apoplexy
- Apoplexy
- Apoplexy
- Apoptose
- Apoptosis
- Apoptosis
- Apoptosis
- Aporia
- Aposento
- Aposento
- Aposepsy
- Aposiopese
- Apost
- Apostas
- Apostasia
- Apostasia
- Apostasia
- Apostasy
- Apostasy
- Apostasy
- Apostasy
- Apostasy
- Apostasy
- Apostasy
- Apostasy
- Apostasy
- Apostasy
- Apostasy
- Apostasy
- Apostasy
- Apostasy
- Apostate
- Apostate
- Apostate
- Apostaty
- Aposthate
- Apostisy
- Apostle
- Apostle
- Apostle of Dementia
- Apostle of Perversion
- Apostle of Solitude
- Apostles of Perversion
- Apostol
- Apostolum
- Apotamkin
- Apotasy
- Apoteron
- Apotheosis
- Apotheosis
- Apotheosis
- Apotheosis
- Apotheosys
- Apothesary
- Apotheus
- Apothis
- Apothys
- App-Ground
- Appalachian Terror Unit
- Appalling Spawn
- Apparatia
- Apparent Death
- Apparition
- Apparition
- Apparition
- Apparition
- Apparitions of the End
- Appearance of Nothing
- Appendix
- Appendix
- Appitne
- Applaud the Impaler
- Applehead
- Appomattox
- Apprentice Bards
- Approached by a God
- Approaching Extinction
- Approaching Zero
- Approx
- Apraxia
- Aprezeus
- Apriaca
- April
- April 16th
- April Ethereal
- April Fish
- April Morning
- Apriori
- Apriori
- Apriori Death
- Aproctous
- Apropiación Colectiva
- Aprosopy
- Apsalus
- Apshait
- Apsis
- Aptakhar
- Aptera
- Aptorian Demon
- Apud Inferos
- Apud Inferos
- Apus
- Apyron
- Aqua Lamb
- Aquabats
- Aquamorta
- Aquaria
- Aquarian
- Aquaritia
- Aquelarre
- Aquelarre
- Aquelarre
- Aquer
- Aqueronte
- Aqueronte
- Aqueronte
- Aquila
- Aquila
- Aquila
- Aquila
- Aquilhonia
- Aquilon
- Aquilonian
- Aquilus
- Aquincum
- Ar da Desgraça
- Ara
- Arès
- Arç Blanc
- Árész (
- Arabesque
- Arabesque
- Arabia
- Arachna Signorum
- Arachnaphilia
- Arachne
- Arachnes
- Arachnica
- Arachnid
- Arachnid
- Arachnids
- Arachnophobia
- Arachnophobia
- Arachnotaur
- Arachnovore
- Arachos
- Arachula
- Aracner
- Aracranios
- Aradia
- Aradia
- Aradin Azun
- Arafel
- Arafel
- Arafel
- Aragathor
- Aragon
- Aragon
- Aragon
- Aragon
- Aragon
- Aragorn
- Aragorn
- Aragorn
- Aragorn
- Arahmok
- Arai
- Arakacian
- Arakain
- Arakis
- Arallu
- Arallu
- Aralyon
- Aramathea
- Arandor
- Aranea
- Araneum
- Aranrùth
- Arantaxia
- AraPacis
- Ararat
- Aras
- Aras
- Aras
- Arasaw
- Arass
- Arastral
- Arathorn
- Arathorn
- Arathyr
- Aratron
- Arawn
- Arawn
- Arawn
- Araxa
- Araxas
- Arbach
- Arbiter
- Arbiter
- Arbiter of Conceit
- Arbitrary Element
- Arbitrater
- Arbitrator
- Arbitrator
- Arbitrium
- Arbogast
- Arbol de Diana
- Arbor Ira
- Arbor Vitae
- Arborea
- Arboris Mortuus
- Arbour
- Arc Fatalis
- Arc of Ascent
- Arca Bélica
- Arcángel
- Arcángel
- Arcabuz
- Arcadia
- Arcadia
- Arcadia
- Arcadia
- Arcadia
- Arcadia
- Arcadia Libre
- Arcadian Nocturne
- Arcaica
- Arcaica
- Arcan
- Arcana
- Arcana
- Arcana Coelestia
- Arcana Difamia
- Arcana Imperia
- Arcana Major
- Arcana XIII
- Arcana XXII
- Arcanae Legioniis
- Arcanar
- Arcane
- Arcane
- Arcane
- Arcane
- Arcane
- Arcane
- Arcane Aeon
- Arcane Asylum
- Arcane Church
- Arcane Deception
- Arcane Dimension
- Arcane Dimension
- Arcane Grail
- Arcane Legion
- Arcane Necrosis
- Arcane Reality
- Arcane Shadows
- Arcane Sun
- Arcane Visions
- Arcane Wisdom
- Arcangel
- Arcangel
- Arcangel
- Arcangel Temple
- Arcania
- Arcania
- Arcanjo
- Arcano
- Arcano Arconte
- Arcanticus
- Arcanu Anima
- Arcanum
- Arcanum
- Arcanum
- Arcanum
- Arcanum
- Arcanum
- Arcanum Inferi
- Arcanum Sanctum
- Arcanum Sanctum
- Arcanum Sanctum
- Arcanus
- Arcanus Nox
- Arcanus Tenebrae
- Arcanvm Woods
- Arcas
- Arcatharis
- Arcease
- Arceye
- Arch Angel
- Arch Angel
- Arch Demon Choir
- Arch Enemy
- Arch Goat of Sodomy
- Arch Heretic
- Arch Nemesis
- Arch of Hell
- Arch of Thorns
- Arch Rival
- Arch Rival
- Arch Vile
- Archa
- Archae
- Archaea
- Archaea
- Archaean Harmony
- Archaeon
- Archaeon
- Archaeum
- Archaeus
- Archai
- Archaic
- Archaic
- Archaic Argot
- Archaic Cessation
- Archaic Decapitator
- Archaic Guilt
- Archaic Guilt
- Archaic Horror
- Archaic Icon
- Archaic Mass
- Archaic Plague
- Archaic Revival
- Archaic Torse
- Archaic Winter
- Archaicus
- Archain
- Archaios
- Archaios Ophios
- Archaios Ophis
- Archandrja
- Archangel
- Archangel
- Archangel
- Archangel
- Archangellus
- Archanger
- Archantia
- Archdragon
- Archegonus
- Archemeday
- Archemenia
- Archenar
- Archenemy
- Archenterum
- Archenum
- Archeon
- Archeopcys
- Archer
- Archer
- Archestry
- Archetype
- Archetype
- Archeus
- Archevil
- Archgoat
- Archgoat
- Archie Bunker
- Archimage
- Archistra
- Architect
- Architect of Entanglement
- Architect of Seth
- Architects
- Architects of the Aftermath
- Architecture of Aggression
- Architeuthis Dux
- ArchiTorture
- Architype
- Archmages
- Archon
- Archon
- Archon
- Archon Legion
- Archons
- Archons
- Archontes
- Archotype
- Archspire
- Arckadia
- Arckan Obscura
- Arckano
- Arckanum
- ArcLite
- Arconova
- Arcorais
- Arcosolium
- Arcthuris
- Arctic Blaze
- Arctic Circle
- Arctic Fields
- Arctic Flame
- Arctic Frost
- Arctic Fury
- Arctic Light
- Arctic Spirits
- Arctic Symphony
- Arctic Thunder
- Arctic Winter
- Arctifall
- Arctulary
- Arctum
- Arcturon
- Arcturus
- Arcturus
- Arcturus
- Arda
- Ardath
- Arden
- Ardent Flames
- Arditi
- Ardkore
- Ardor
- Ardour
- Ardoz
- Ardual
- Ardulph Ardebahr Wald
- Are You God?
- Area
- Area 5.1
- Area 51
- Area 54
- Area Disaster
- Area LC
- Area51
- Aregrada
- Areis
- Arena Age
- Arenah
- Arenaris
- Arendia
- Ares
- Ares
- Ares
- Ares
- Ares
- Ares
- Ares
- Ares
- Ares Kingdom
- Ares Letum
- Ares Wrath Division
- Aresz
- Arevhutus
- Arfsynd
- Argals
- Argamenon
- Arganath
- Arganork
- Argar
- Argath
- Argathron
- Arge
- Arge