Tag: wes borland
LIMP BIZKIT's Wes Borland Forgets What Band He Is In; Slams DREAM THEATERBlack Light Burns Interview
27,432 People Have No Taste In Music
Tickets to Limp Bizkit's comeback show are free, damage to your rep will cost you
Wes Borland responds to Marilyn Manson's attacks
Limp Bizkit posts rehearsal footage
Fred Durst says "we were more disgusted and bored with the state of heavy popular music" as main reason for reuniting Limp Bizkit
Another Year in the Bag Without Fred Durst
Black Light Burns replaces bassist
Wes Borland joins Marilyn Manson
Korn Guitarist Discusses New Band
Wes Borland's BLACK LIGHT BURNS Ready to Release "Cover Your Heart"