heavy metal

Pathology Bio

Band members
Dave Astor - Drums Matti Way - Vocals Tim Tiszczenko - Guitar

death metal

PATHOLOGY is no stranger to the current burgeoning underground American Death Metal movement. Their gore-soaked music and imagery has gained serious notoriety since drummer Dave Astor (founding member and original drummer for grind-spazz project THE LOCUST and militant death squad CATTLE DECAPITATION) founded the group in 2006 amidst the hot confines of San Diego, CA. PATHOLOGY combines the bowel-shaking vocals of classic American Death Metal of SUFFOCATION and MORTICIAN, mixed with the technical prowess of gore grind gods CARCASS and mosh-inducing stomp of DYING FETUS and SKINLESS.

They released the Surgically Hacked demo (Amputated Vein Records) in the fall of 2006 and followed it with the brutal full-length Incisions Of Perverse Debauchery (Grindhead Records) the following year. Some relentless touring and vocalist changes did not stop this powerhouse, even as they released another full length, Age Of Onset (Comatose Records) in the summer of 2009. The PATHOLOGY name began coming up amongst the staff of Victory Records around this time and the interest in this band began to grow.

The band toured across the states on some self-booked tours and spread their gospel of filth to thousands of fans. The guttural bowl shaking vocals of Matti Way combined with Tim Tiszczenko's chainsaw guitar and Astor's lightening-fast blastbeats and breakdowns make for an earth shattering experience of pure, vomit inducing metal.

It became clear that Victory needed to partner with this beast and do what they could to elevate them to the next level. On a cold wintry night in December of 2009, the label made the hellish union official and brought PATHOLOGY into the Victory family. Now the band has a new record on the threshold of completion and they are prepared to conquer everything in their path in 2010. This is not metal for the faint of heart. This is true death metal that will stop at nothing to obliterate all that stand in the way. Head this as a warning, PATHOLOGY is coming...

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