Dead Soul Tribe Bio

Devon Graves Adel Moustafa Roland Ivenz Roland 'Rollz' Kerschbaumer
Deadsoul Tribe was founded in 2000 by Devon Graves, former member of Psychotic Waltz. A year later the debut album "Deadsoul Tribe" was released and proved to be a success with former Psychotic Waltz fans and beyond. Graves is the singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist whose music is both philosophical and challenging. "Everything I write has a message, an approach to poetry," he says. "It's the major function of poetry not to provide answers, but to raise questions - to be thought provoking and to create space for individual interpretations." Together with drummer Adel Moustafa, who also plays the drums on the records, the guitarist Roland `Rollz` Kerschbaumer and bass player Roland Ivenz, Deadsoul Tribe is known for their stirring stage performance. MyGen Profile Generator MyGen Profile Generator MyGen Profile Generator
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