heavy metal

Pure ((Pandemonium)) Bio

Pure ((Pandemonium))
Band members
Chango - guitar
Crabbin - vocals
Dizzie - drums
Don - guitar


Basically, PANDEMONIUM is all about fuckin' hardcore, fuck shit up music that comes from a strong love for music and the hate of a lot of other shit. Steaming from a deep well of anger and pain, the music is an expression of love and hate. One of the main and strongest united motivations of the band is to put GOOD MUSIC out in the world for people to listen to and to express their common anger through. Among other things, PANDEMONIUM is also mainly about staying true and fighting through all of the bullshit.

The band started out as a hobby for the first two original band founders, Dizzie (2 sticks) and Don (stringz), but then quickly turned into a dream. To fill their dream, they had to set out to find other members (bassist, singer,"and other guitarist). The search was on for a singer. The group came down to the decision of holding a tryout. Tryouts boiled down to two people trying out and the rest took care of itself (Crabbin won the spot). Eventually over time, the crew found it necessary to look for another guitarist. After a couple of perspective guitarists were tested, the decision was made that Chango fit the spot. PANDEMONIUM soon started hitting' up local friends backyards and small ghetto clubs, with nothing but the best shows and has since started movin' on up, still hitting that g?spot and rippin' shit up.

The need for a new bassist soon set in, and the selection process began.. "He was just like a hardcore fan at first. we have always been real good friends with him. After we kicked out our first bassist we had try outs with a bunch of other people who played bass but they all didn't have what we exactly needed. They were all good but they really didn't have the presence and that's what we needed. Then Alex(oSo/MoM) came along and we jammed with him one time and we all just fucking tore it up. He went so fucking crazy and we just new from then on that he was the right one. He had the main ingredient that we wanted, it just clicked there and then. So soon he became our 5th member"

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