Raga Bio

Behzad Mehdipour - Vocals, Electric Guitars, Composer, Program The Drums & Synthesizers Mohammad Soleymani - Bass Guitars, Backing Vocals
In the name of those who fight for Fairness and indeed that the armageddon will Arrive for annihilation badness and killing sedition
Raga is fighting for a long time
for annihilation Love or achieve to real Love
Raga has waited years for such day
day that the sound of music go faraway from our small room and cry
and tell yes!
the Death is simplify Than this complicated world
And tell that the pain must be cry alone
and pain can not tell amorously
The hurmur`s activity of band had been considered Between Behzad and Mohammad For times. After long time Finally the first drill start at september 2004 and continued for monthes. in the preliminary monthes band did some cover from different bands (approximately in all style) . but the band still didn`t record any Project . As regards of finitude location and shortage of facilities the band can not use a drummer till yet . so the drums note did by Behzad (electric guitar player) . although drums programing never work as good as drums machine but inevitably the band use this guile and the project go forward . gradually the records start and the band record 4 tracks and 1 intro & outro in august 2005 . by the band labors the album record by the name of "Dreams Of Death" and distributed as a Demo and it was a very nicely work and surprise many people in Iran . the album distributed in 21 Min as Demo album . the band has some other projects from past but for some reason never introduce them as album or demo . but about the style of band we must confess that may be the band does not have the necessary standards of this style and the members of the band usually effect by emotions and less use the technique of Metal musicianship. but Raga try to exposition the real Metal . In addition because of the philosophy and poems , the Doom Metal riffs have been used and the effect was positive on the tracks and it may have made the work nearer to the band's point of view. as whole it can be said the band`s style is Doom/Death Metal . although it is unmentionable , the band hopes to offer an acceptable work on Metal scene as well . or at least succeed to offer a great one in near future.
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