heavy metal

Deface Bio

Band members
Michael (Mishgan) - Guitars and vocals Pavel (Evlampiy) - Lead guitar Vova - Bass Tim (Timofey) - Drums


Well, it's been a while since I wrote about the band last time

First of all, let me tell you who we are:

Mishgan (Michael) - Vocal, Guitar

Evlampiy (Paul) - Lead Guitar

Max (just Max) - Bass

Dude (Makedon, Alex) - Drums

Once upon a time, bla bla bla …

Let's not get too deep into history, especially, because no one cares

So, Deface was formed in late 2001, then Timophey played drums and almost nobody on bass …

Time went on and so did we … I joined military service and gave full 3 years of my life to IDF. Today I'm all free …

Yeah, you're in the army now!!! Fuck!!! Not much happened in that period, we were really short of time, couldn't play enough, but this shit is behind

I hope that's a new beginning for us … we've already had 3 important performances and we're not gonna stop

Now we're working on demo disk, which will be out soon


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