heavy metal

Myndsnare Bio

Band members
KP - Guitars and Vocals Narayan - Bass Yasmin Claire - Drums


mind (n.) - that which thinks, perceives, feels, wills, etc.; seat or subject of consciousness.
snare (n.) - anything dangerous, risky etc. that tempts or attracts; thing by which a person is entangled; trap.

MyndSnare plays progressive thrash / death metal, with technical overtones.

MyndSnare first started out when Kp released his solo effort 'MindSnare - 1,' a 4-track demo, which was sold in India and made its way to Malaysian radio and Singapore, among other places.

The evolution game was played, and after various mutations, MyndSnare attained equilibrium in its current lineup.

With the recording of a three-song demo - 'A Preliminary Quest…' the band finally put their sounds to disc, and have received an extremely good response from those of the audience who have been waiting to hear something played under controlled conditions, without the messy live audio systems playing havoc with the music.

A full-length album is slated for recording and release by the end of this year (2004). MyndSnare is on a roll, and will hopefully continue to be so, irrespective of any beefs they might have with circumstances. Right now, the band is focusing on fine-tuning their songs for the upcoming album recording.

With upheavals being the norm in the Indian music scene, there are bound to be more, but the Mynds are Snared as of now, and will keep the metal faith alive. As they say, the show must go on. 'They' are also very cruel and unreceptive to practicalities.

More details of the early MyndSnare history can be viewed at:

"Layers of Hypocrisy" from 'A Preliminary Quest…' is featured on a compilation entitled Deeper Underground #2 from Sonnengott Music, Indonesia, featuring other bands from India, the US and Singapore. For details, visit

Yasmin, the drummer, has been featured in quite a few magazines in India, such as the Rock Street Journal, RAVE, Business Standard, a couple of daily newspapers like The Indian Express (Mumbai), not to mention an appearance on national TV (Star World).

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