heavy metal

Path of Resistance, The Bio

Path of Resistance, The
Band members
Karl Buechner - Vocals D.J. Rose - Vocals Erick Edwards - Bulldog Guitars Scott Krouse - Bulldog Guitars Jonathan Dennison - Bass Dennis Merrick - Drums


THE PATH OF RESISTANCE is a band born of tragedy.

In the spring of 1996, the members of Earth Crisis had a terrible van
accident which left drummer Dennis Merrick unable to play for months.
Hungering to continue their message while their bandmate was healing,
The Path concept was conceived.

While Earth Crisis had many diverse issues on it's plate and an expanded
sound, the members had always wanted to get back to the basics, both
fundamentally and musically. Now it seemed that time had forced these
issues and they called on the assistance of compatriot and long-time
Vegan Straight Edge advocate D.J. Rose to round out the project's

The band then recorded their debut, "Who Dares Wins" for Victory records
in 1997. Written and recorded in a month, the raw emotion and pure
aggression that is "Who Dares Wins" destined it to become an underground
classic. Drawing together the scattered remnants of the once-thriving
philosophy, their first live appearance drew over 800 people from around
the globe. Many attest that what they witnessed that day was one of the
greatest moments in hardcore history. With three vocalists, all sections
of the audience were assaulted--but microphones were hardly needed for
these anthemic songs.

Preferring to keep the live shows special, the only other set of that
year was a "surprise" performance following NYHC legends Madball in
Syracuse NY. Inter-band turmoil fractured the band later that year and
the project was laid to rest and written up as history.

Fast-forward eight years to 2004. With hardcore larger and more diluted
than ever, and a scene plagued with distractions, there was one thing on
the former member's minds: Revival! It is a testament to the band's
common cause that the old wounds were cast aside for the greater good.
Now, all in their 30's with families, careers, and immense time
constraints, the rejuvenated Path has returned for Round II.

The Path made it's comeback in April of 2004 to a once again packed
house of devoted family. A followup show was played on New Years Day of
2005 at which the group debuted three new songs. The new album, due out
on Victory Records in the Spring of 2006, will deal with the classic
themes, but with a renewed resentment that can only be tempered by time.
Having watched failure's road being paved for the last decade has
sparked the flames to give new life to the phoenix that is THE PATH OF

Merchants of deception will be confronted.

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