Thy Majestie Bio

Giulio Di Gregorio - Vocals Maurizio Malta - Guitars Giovanni Santini - Guitars Dario D'Alessando - Bass Giuseppe Bondì - Keys Claudio Diprima - Drums
power metal
The band was founded in 1998 on an idea of Giuseppe Bondì (keyboards) and Claudio Diprima (drums). They played together in a power-metal cover band but one day they decided to create their own music. So they started searching for musicians that had faith in their project and they found them in Maurizio Malta , Giovanni Santini , Michele Cristofalo and Dario Grillo. After the release of a 3-track demo entitled "Sword ,Crown and Shields" they started to compose new material that was recorded in March 1999; this demo was called "Perpetual Glory "and it was entirely self-produced. P.G. received very good responses in all the Italian metal magazines (Top demo on Metal Hammer ,May 1999) and fanzines. So in August 1999 the band signed a deal with Scarlet Records. Meanwhile Michele Cristofalo left the band and Dario D'Alessandro took his place. In March 2000 they started the recordings of "The Lasting Power ", the debut album , and they finished in April 2000. 'The Lasting Power' received a great response worldwide with tons of great reviews and extremely positive feedback from the metal fans ALL around the world. Until now 'The Lasting Power' is one of SCARLET best seller albums with almost 10.000 copies sold! In July 2001 Thy Majestie finished the recordings of "1066" , promo-demo Cd self-produced that wasn't released but it was used to "test" the new compositions . Two songs were published on internet ( ) and received thousands of dowloadings and great public response. In January 2002 Thy Majestie were contacted by Thomas Youngblood , he proposed them an european tour to support his Kamelot . Unfortunately Thy Majestie had to record the new album only 2 month after. In March 2002 they entered in recording studio to record "Hastings 1066" . New album is based on a concept story about the fundamental battle of Hastings in 1066 a.C. The sound is majestic and the compositions are blasting, with real choirs provided by the Italian famous 'Teatro Massimo Choir', great arrangements and a marvelous melodic impact. The style is improved into a power-prog mixture with an intense orchestral-symphonic surrounds and lots of epic highlights! Mastering has been done at the famous FINNVOX STUDIOS-Finland (Stratovarius, Sonata Artica, Nightwish, etc…). After the release of the mini-CD 'Echoes Of War' including bonus tracks taken from Japanese and Brasilian album-editions the band took a break in order to find the replacement of singer Dario Grillo who left the band for personal reason. Few vocalist joined Thy Majestie to rehearse with the band and ex-Doomsword singer Gabriele Grilli replaced Dario for a short period. The band started also composing some new songs and finally after various auditions the new singer was found in Giulio Di Gregorio (ex-Irencross).
Finally, the new concept-album titled 'Jeanne D'Arc' is ready! It display the best THY MAJESTIE's epic-power feeling together with great melodies and progressive-symphonic interludes. Mastered at the wellknown Mastering Room (Sweden) with Goran Finnberg, 'Jeanne D'Arc' offers a big sound impact without loosing the real focus on the arrangements and orchestrations. The amazing cover was created by Carl-Andrè Beckston (EDGUY, MIKE TERRANA, TNT, BRAZEN ABBOT) is just perfect to capture the 'historical feeling' behind the lyrics of the album.
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