heavy metal

Prey Bio

Band members
Thomas Nystroem - Lead Vocals and Guitar Peter Baecke - Bass Patrick Johansson - Drums Fredrik Plahn - Keyboards

hard rock
pop metal

Around 1985, two young friends, THOMAS NYSTROEM and PETER BAECKE, who were then about 10 years old, decided it would be cool to be on MTV, with guitars dangling from their necks, and beautiful girls at their feet. What other reasons could there possibly be for wanting to become multi-million-record-selling rock superstars? Step one, they acquired the instruments - a guitar and bass-bass respectively - and relentlessly practiced until they became truly proficient players. It turned out THOMAS also had an excellent, and very distinctive sounding, singing voice. In those early days bands like DOKKEN, WHITESNAKE, SCORPIONS, SAXON, and ACCEPT had a major influence on THOMAS and PETER, and the success of these acts motivated them to rehearse more, and try even harder to achieve their goals. The duo then formed their first band, FOURTEEN CANDLES, and where frequently hired to play school gigs and such. They adopted a MOTLEY CR?E type "Sleaze-deluxe" image, which proved a bonus to their burgeoning local success.

So for the next 10 years THOMAS and PETER put in long hours of daily practice, and gigged continuously up and down Sweden. By that time their band was called DREAMDOC (great band, lousy name…), when one day a drummer called PATRICK JOHANSSON showed up at a gig and said to his friends: "someday I am gonna be the drummer of that band". His friends laughed, because as a 10-year old PATRICK had already said: "one day I'll play drums behind YNGWIE MALMSTEEN". But first PATRICK formed a band called WITHOUT GRIEF, with whom he recorded two albums, and later went on to pound the drums for STORMWIND. In the meantime THOMAS enjoyed some success, but especially gained a lot of experience, with a cover-band called D-CLUB, with whom he toured incessantly, clocking over 150 gigs a year. The keyboard player in D-CLUB was a guy called FREDRIK PLAHN, who also had a great voice. By the late '90s PETER was an unhappy member of a band called SOULBURN, and one day he called THOMAS, saying: "Let's play some real music".

PREY was born, when THOMAS brought along FREDRIK. They toiled and slaved and invested every penny in building their own recording studio, so they could spend day and night rehearsing, writing songs and recording demos. Later they added drums to these demos, when PATRICK was available, since the drummer had also made good on his initial brash statement, and was indeed by that time touring the globe, a member of the YNGWIE MALMSTEEN band, with whom he still plays today. PATRICK also plays on a number of tracks on the upcoming JACK FROST (SAVATAGE/ SEVEN WITCHES) album: OUT IN THE COLD.

One dark day PREY emptied their pockets, and with the 13 Euros they scraped together mailed 6 copies to various labels around the world. They had actually copied 7 discs but forgot one in the burner, so some label received an empty envelope. All six labels replied, showing great interest in PREY'S style of melodic-metal, complementing the band on their skill as musicians, as well as for their exceptional song-writing talents. ALFIE FALCKENBACH of MAUSOLEUM RECORDS rapidly developed a good rapport with the band, exchanging a large number of emails with PETER, and promptly offering PREY a solid plan for the future. The band subsequently signed the contract in blood - real blood, not of the human kind, but from an elk. No - they didn't go out and slay such a mighty beast, they simply got it from the local butcher's. In Sweden elk meat is apparently as common as steak, pork, veal or chicken in other parts of the world… Arrangements were made to enter into the RAOSTINGHOUSE studios, in Malmö, Sweden, where the talented producer ANDERS "THEO" THEANDER recorded and produced the PREY debut album: THE HUNTER, a fine collection of melodic-metal, showcasing the combined and individual musical talents of the band, as well as their gift for writing memorable songs.

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