Thy Endless Wrath Bio

Band members
Mayon : Keyboards and Chorus Tormento : Guitar Odnam : Guitar Serpentor Ihani: Voice Siniestro : Bass Agarthic : Drums
Mayon : Keyboards and Chorus Tormento : Guitar Odnam : Guitar Serpentor Ihani: Voice Siniestro : Bass Agarthic : Drums
The magical circle of THY ENDLESS WRATH developes an extreme and melodic Black Metal, evoking the misticism of ancient pagan philosophies.
The anger of elements will open the abismal gates and the ancient serpent will rise.
There, close to Throne of Chaos, our souls will lie.
From the apocalyptic whisper of night we evoke you :
Lord of the Ancient Fire !
...By your wrath ... by your infinite wrath, the earth purified will be !
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