ENSLAVED - Premiere Music Video For First Single "Storm Son"

"'Storm Son' deals with the duality of man and nature, how important and basic that relationship is," explains songwriter and guitarist Ivar. "Everything we do and create are imitations of nature; as we evolved from nature, that is how it must be – yet modern man thinks he and she is independent of nature, that we somehow are so superior that we do not have to take nature into consideration other than as a backdrop for shitty movies. Or festivals. Losing touch with nature is basically to lose touch with being human."
You can now pre-order the physical editions of the album HERE!
Or get the digital version and stream the new track "Storm Son" via this link: HERE!
Sign up to the band's newsletter on www.enslaved.no to get first hand information on limited fan items and exclusives!
The track list contains these majestic anthems:
01. Storm Son (10:54)
02. The River’s Mouth (5:12)
03. Sacred Horse (8:12)
04. Axis Of The Worlds (7:49)
05. Feathers Of Eolh (8:06)
06. Hiindsiight (9:32)
Bonus tracks available on the digipak:
07. Djupet (7:39)
08. What Else Is There? (Röyksopp cover) (4:44)
Pre-order your physical copy of E a href=http://www.nuclearblast.com/enslaved-e>HERE!
Or the digital version HERE!
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Tags: Enslaved, E, Storm Son, Axis Of The Worlds, Feathers Of Eolh
Red Baron August 13, 2017
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