ORPHANED LAND Comment On The Concept Behind Their New Album

Vocalist Kobi Farhi comments on the album's concept and the striking new promo photo as follows: "As people that were born into the tragedy of our region, we have always been devoted to creating harmony between conflicts, a musical heaven on Earth, a tango between God and Satan. Even in the album's artwork we combined Hebrew and Arabic, regardless of the fight between Jews and Muslims. I found a Jordanian guy, specialized in calligraphic artwork. He took letters from Hebrew and Arabic and moulded them in his art to create a symbol of peace. Same goes for our band photo, where we portrayed a synergy between the three monotheistic religions, that believe in the same God and yet, ridiculously have been killing each other for centuries "in the name of God" and turned the holy land into an orphaned land. Naturally we continued this idea of union on a musical level as well and the result is as always crazy, it's a miracle – in our concerts: our Jewish fans sing in Arabic and our Muslim fans sing in Hebrew, brave friendships have spawned and our Middle Eastern metal music destroys all this political witchcraft we have been trapped in for so long. This is a musical journey of hope in lands of war, creating heaven on Earth, building a new Jerusalem."
Israel's ORPHANED LAND are probably the only band from this country that has managed to succeed at building up a huge following among Muslims and Arabian people. These fans communicate freely via the band's social networking pages, some of them even proudly bearing ORPHANED LAND tattoos, regardless of the possible consequences facing them in their home countries! The African musician Fela Kuti once said: "music is the weapon of the future" - ORPHANED LAND are living proof of that!
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Tags: ORPHANED LAND, The Never Ending Way Of ORwarriOR, Kobi Farhi
admin November 12, 2009
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