heavy metal

Tim Yeung checks in from Morbid Angel studio

Tim "The Missile" Yeung (Divine Heresy, ex-All That Remains, Nile, Hate Eternal, Vital Remains) is finally getting the notoriety he so greatly deserves upon landing a very coveted gig tracking drums on the much anticipated new Morbid Angel album.

Yeung checks in with the following report: "Hey everybody. I haven't posted an update in awhile so I thought that I should share with everyone what I've been up to lately. As many of you know, I have been working with Morbid Angel for the past 10 months (Pete Sandoval is recovering from a recent back operation). I must say that it has been a huge honor to be playing for one of my favorite bands that I grew up listening to as well as filling in for one of my biggest metal drumming inspirations. I'm currently in Tampa, FL finishing up the new album with David (vocals, bass) and Trey (guitars) and it's going great. Overall, I think it may be one of their most well rounded albums ever. There are killer experimental electronic parts, as well as some really cool groove parts. Don't worry there is plenty of blast beats and blazing double bass as well.

"I've also been working on a Ddrum signature snare which will be out early next year. It's a 14x6.5, steel shell, flanged hoops, USA tube lugs, etc. This drum is absolutely perfect. I've been beating on the prototype and I'm in love with it. I also have been working with 3rd Degree merch on a Tim Yeung package which includes a T-shirt, my personal sticks and an autographed poster.

"If you are interested head over now to There is a limited supply, so don't wait around.”

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Tags:  Morbid AngelTim Yeung   

    September 15, 2010

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