The very first thing I heard on this 4th outing for “The Way of purity” entitled "Schwarz Oder Rot" was the keyboard. This at first sounded like they were going electronica, but this was simply cool accenting and added to the sound.
"Schwarz Oder Rot" is German for Black or red. It begs the question do you want to exit the world by merely dying and lights out. Our do you want to die with your boots on? And fight till the last pint of blood is spilled.
This recording is visceral and militant. The plague is homo sapiens – the most threatening destructive force on earth. Within the Sapiens is an evolutionary development called the prefrontal cortex. Among many capabilities the most insidious is the ability to deny instinct giving rise culture and ultimately massive genocide. We are not important; we are an impediment we are mold on a mudball.
The way of purity seems to be elimination of this toxic virus know as Sapiens. With the restoration of peace and harmony. The question is are those who have found the way of purity, spared. One track encourages mass suicide. There is so much here that it will require a full review.
1)THE GAUNTLET: I understand that you choose not to be labeled with names. You also state you are nothing but a message or perhaps a warning. In stating that you are nothing. Would you describe this the dissolution of the “Self as a nothingness tantamount to Buddhist enlightenment?
THEWAY OF PURITY: hello, our motto is: I remove vanity and unnecessary self-importance. Nobility, self-sacrifice, denial of ego therefore Śūnyatā is the answer to your question. In Theravada Buddhism, suññatā often refers to the non-self: "all things are empty of intrinsic existence and nature”. "Śūnyatā" is "devoidness," "emptiness," "hollow, hollowness," "voidness." As the "emancipation of the mind by emptiness" being consequent upon the realization that "this world is empty of self or anything pertaining to self". Nothingness is an important door to liberation, it also equates not-self with the emptiness liberation. Nothingness is a way of perception, a way of looking at experience. It adds nothing and takes nothing away from physical and mental events. Events in the mind and senses without thinking if there is something behind them. This mode is called emptiness because it lacks the assumptions we usually add to experience to make sense of it: the stories and visions of the earth that we decode to explain who we are and the world we live in. Although these stories and visions have their uses, the Buddha has discovered that some of the more abstract questions they raise - about our true identity and the reality of the outside world - divert attention from a direct experience of how things affect each other in the present. So they get in the way when we try to understand and solve the problem of suffering.
2)THE GAUNTLET: The earth made up of strictly animals, the animal kingdom seems to have no problems without the plague. Why do you think this is so? Is in part because animals pay attention to their instincts. While Sapiens deny them.
THEWAY OF PURITY: the earth is a circle, the sun is a circle, time is a circle, the day is a cycle, the seasons change in a cyclical manner, nature works with cycles, animals live in cycles as well following the change of the seasons, migrating, breeding...Humans are the only species in nature that are running in a straight line and not operating in cycles (or circles). This straight line is terrifying because it doesn't have a beginning and doesn't end anywhere. This straight line reveals to us that we don't know where we have come from and that we don't know where we are going to. Obviously, this is all due to the fact that humans are designed to hurdle headlong towards self destruction. When all humans are gone, the animals (which are designed to stay) and the planet will finally live in harmony again and everything will be beautiful just as it was before humans appeared. Animals know where they come from, the circle is certanity, 'cause they belong to the earth, to the seasons, to time...They know the truth and they have this authentic truth in their beautiful souls ...If they disappear from the planet, the planet will die. This is one of the main differences between humans and animals: they are necessary for mother nature (therefore they belong to nature which in our religion is GOD) and humans are detrimental to nature. Animals work with nature to keep the cycles moving, whereas humans destroy nature just like a virus! Animals follow their instinct, therefore they are pure. Humans only follow their own mere, small, pathetic self-interests and do not belong to nature, humans are not necessary on this planet so they have to go as soon as possible. Animals are needed, they must stay, and be left alone in peace.
3)THE GAUNTLET: If the way of purity is through eradicating the plague, are there participants who have discipline and purity that remain as stewards.
THEWAY OF PURITY: The Way Of Purity is a path... It's a path that you choose to follow when you respect your body and other sentient living beings. When you decide to keep your body pure like a temple and not nasty as a mass grave for rotting animal parts and bodies then you simply follow the way of purity. It's about respect for life, nature, animals and ourselves. If you follow this you have the right and power to remain as a guardian of te earth, to remain as a steward.
4)THE GAUNTLET: In the earliest times there were several types of humans such as Homo habilis, Neanderthals, Homo Erectus, and many more, These humans have all been exterminated by the Sapiens, Is it possible that the varieties of human genera might have averted destruction and learned to live in peace with the animals and plants.
THE WAY OF PURITY: Unfortunatly humans never learned to live in peace with animals and plants. Humans do not respect nature. Humans evolved into a kind of virus and that's what humans are now. Whether it be the air we breathe, the water we drink, or the food we eat, what’s clear is that we depend on the Earth to live. But the natural world’s ability to provide the services we need to survive are beginning to break down. Humans are responsible for this breakdown. A virus is hardwired to behave in this way. It knows no different. It can’t recognise that its behaviour leads to the demise of an environment that supports its own life. A virus is destructive. If the behaviour of the virus was to change, it would no longer be a virus. We aren’t a virus — we just behave like one. Unlike a killer virus, we aren’t genetically disposed to be destructive. So why do we behave in such a destructive way? Our behaviour is the result of how we’re programmed. As individuals, our behaviour is influenced by the reality around us. This reality is absorbed when we’re children. We learn the rules of the society we live in and come to understand how to survive and thrive in that society. The rules of the game influence every individual to behave in a similar way. To change our path requires an awakening of the people. People must recognise that this isn’t the reality, but a reality. Our reality can and must change if we have any hope of avoiding our own destruction. Unlike the virus, we have the ability to recognise that our behaviour is leading to our own demise. The human consciousness must awaken to consider the relationship between our actions and the natural world. If we continue to behave in a destructive way, the natural world will break down, and with it civilisation. One cannot function without the other.
Why do you think that humans separated themselves from the natural world? Isn’t everything on the earth part of the natural world?
THEWAY OF PURITY: Humans treat the Earth with complete disregard. We poison waterways — even though water is the blood of life. Forests are chopped down and burnt — even though trees clean the air we breathe. Greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere — even though we know this is heating up the world. Oh, and our behaviour is creating the sixth mass extinction event. Life is dying due to human behaviour. You would think we’re trying our very best to destroy the conditions we depend on to survive. If it were the intention we’re doing a very good job of it. And yet, this is the last thing we want. If we destroy the conditions that provide us life, we destroy ourselves. It’s that simple. We know what we’re doing. The alarm bells are ringing. But we continue to behave in a way that is destroying the stable conditions that are conducive to life as we know it. From a different perspective, our behaviour is comparable to a killer virus. Why we behave like a virus. Killer viruses are merciless in their destruction. They flourish off the souls of the living. They are genetically programmed to behave this way. A viruses programming results in destruction. Either the host is able to fight the infection, and destroy the virus, or the virus overwhelms the host, and kills it. But, by killing the host, the virus also kills itself. The death of the host results in the destruction of an environment where the virus can thrive. The last thing a virus wants to do is kill its host. Its success ultimately brings its own downfall.
6)THE GAUNTLET: Describe what you think or know what salvation is?
THEWAY OF PURITY: Salvation is a mass suicide in order to recreate the world with different individuals and laws which work in harmony with animals and nature. This way we can save the human race, and we can create a new “human being” which is different from the people that live on the planet now. Like we have represented in “Equate”'s album cover the salvation goes through a precise process: Sun, Fire, Wind, Water, Earth, Demons, Nature, Lunar Phases, Souls of the First Humans, and Diseases will unite to re-balance the world with a final goal: Animals and Nature will rule the planet again with their integrity. The human race will be brutally exterminated. The Anthropocentric lie has to come to an end and humans have to see the terrifying and piercing effigy of horror that they have inflicted on animals for ages. Humanity is ill, infected with the worst disease that is called Speciesism.
7)THE GAUNTLET: Regarding the exquisite musicianship, arrangement and diversity, how long did it take to get this in the can.
THEWAY OF PURITY: The music that we play come from the use of drugs and probably the deep depression that is omnipresent in every human but we have the guts, and the courage to explore, and somehow appreciate these. Not everybody in TWOP uses drugs but for sure, the ones who write the music do. Our music is a rollecoaster of soft/ambient patterns and epic/apocalyptic explosions...That's how we live...Sometime we swim in the hot bath of depression and fall asleep in there but when the moment to be strong again arrives we are ready to deliver the most powerful strength you can imagine....That's our music, that's how we are. A fucking rollercoaster of depression and strength. Most humans are destroyed by drugs or obsessed by strength...Black or white...Well, grey exists too and you can manage to experince both things. We have written this album in 10 days after 5 years of complete hiatus.
8)THE GAUNTLET: The tracks are very evocative, the male singer has different styles, which can be sorrowful and sad, the female kicks in and begins to add melody sometimes bittersweet. Is this a heralding because of the excitement of what’s coming?
THEWAY OF PURITY: Yes, you have understood perfectly the idea behind this record. We are so excited for the end of the “human era” that we wanted to write an album that could be the soundtrack for it. In fact the full title, at the beginning, was Schwarz Oder Rot (The Sound Of The End). Then we have decided to call it just with the German part, but yes you got it right, thank you.
9)THE GAUNTLET: Congratulations on an incredible record. Thanks for the interview and if you have anything else to say to fans or something just for the record.
THEWAY OF PURITY Thank you for the fantastic interview. We are so glad that you liked our album so much and we are grateful for the amazing support you have given us. Really hope to meet you in person one day. Without Name (Bass Player)
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Tags: The Way of Purity, Schwarz Oder Rot, Animals win the fitest, dont let the earth die, The only way is through human population termina
Kenny September 04, 2020
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