heavy metal

RAUHNÅCHT is back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“Unterm Gipfelthron” is roughly translated as UNDER THE SUMMIT THRONE. A perfect name for this uber heavy metal black Germanic frenzy of pure pain/pleasure. Stefan Traunmüller does Guitars, Vocals, Bass, Shruti Box, Keyboards and Effects on this fantastically dark Teutonic masterpiece. What an amazing creator visionary talent this young man is! I was totally blown out of the inky black water when this brilliant piece of music hit my eardrums!
The title track “Unterm Gipfelthron”(Under the summit throne) is so damn heavy that my neck bent over from the powerful instrumentals coming from my headphones. "Ein Raunen aus vergess'ner Zeit"( A murmur of forgotten time) starts off on a deep melodic Wagner type of vibe. It just sucks you in like a vortex of rushing ancient memories and then comes pounding at you like a 27 lb. sledgehammer of death!
So in Eulogy this HEAVY METAL Freakizoid says "Buy this album or go to hell!" Seriously though. If you like it hot and heavy and hard as a steel rod dripping with chrome then check out this super album by a death metal God. “Unterm Gipfelthron” is the perfect stocking stuffier this year says Satan Claus.

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Tags:  RAUHNÅCHTPagan Black MetalAustriaNew Release“Unterm Gipfelthron”

    December 06, 2018

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