Hope for Starving Artists-Make a Real Living Creating Music!

Many of our readers know that I have been on a crusade to get musicians fair pay. My rationale has not been wealth for its own sake, but room for the artist to grow and express without having to work 2nd and 3rd Jobs and wait 4-7 years between releases. The most important player in the music industry is the individual artist. Everyone else can be replaced. Think about the value gap as revealed in the video at the end of the article. The average pay for a streaming company employee is $107,000 per year. The average pay for a single song being streamed is $0.0008. Fuck them we will take those yes men down.
These industry players feed off the art that insults and threatens the very existence of the musician. Music Industry workers including those at digital streaming companies have probably never taken a wet wipe shower, lived for days on nothing but peanut butter, or slept in a minivan for weeks
Sure, this parasitic relationship has been around since the first wax was cut. However, it has never been this bad. So bad that bands often pay to play. All band revenues are based on touring and merch sales and writing royalties come in fractions of a cent.
I don’t dream of a world where everyone must buy physical media again. But I do dream of one where creators of original copywritten material receive fair payment for its publication as opposed to say ZERO! MUSIC IS VALUABLE!
Throughout this crusade I have come up with some crazy ideas, but there is a certain phenomenon that is changing the world today called cryptocurrency. And it has the best chance of narrowing the value gap or possibly eclipsing it. Bitcoin for instance is a cryptocurrency. Additionally, there are roughly 400 more currencies in this industry. Now a company has come along that has a solution in beta!!! That is nothing short of incredible!
The beauty of this company is that it is founded by a music industry executive formerly with Universal Music Group. His name is Andres Martin-Lopez and he is obsessed with music. He has the passion to fix this problem. The core problem is middlemen who suck the money out of the music. The solution eliminates these middlemen. This new company is scattered with musicians, industry folks, and people with a passion about solving this problem as opposed to profiteering wealthy business people. The company already has 10,000 musicians signed up. Even better - a working solution is targeting to be launched soon, unlike other applications that may take a year or multiple years. Here are a few of the articles theguantlet.com has published:
Music and Poverty
Crypto Currency, Fintech, Blockchain and Music
Gene Simmons and Bitcoin
The name of the new company is Blokur. They already have 10,000 artists signed up and 3000 publishers. There are competitors in this market, but, Blokur is committing to a launch very soon. Help is on the way!
There are 3 characteristics that make the blockchain perfect for DRM 1) It’s a totally granular distributed storage complex and 2) It uses a data structure known as the blockchain which carries the most sophisticated cryptology in existence, and is so scalable it could literally serialize every single track sold complete with writing credits. I have published some articles about this already but there is a company now currently showing the most promise. 3) It is automated and eliminates middlemen. You can read about it in more detail below.
Nearly all cryptocurrency must ride on a Blockchain. Bitcoin for example has a block chain. Think of it as a train. Each boxcar can contain a song or a unique song serial number. The blockchains are housed on citizen computers. Essentially you donate time on your pc for a certain window. This forms a grid of over one million devices, which has more than 100x redundancy. If someone forgets to leave their pc on another takes its place. The grid is the most powerful computing system in existence.
A complete article with the latest on Blokur here: Sign up today.
Fight for your Right
A few more articles:
Blokur Site
Blockchain Music Technoloy
This video says it all:
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Tags: A Breach of Silence, Musicians can make fair money again, Cryptocurrency, Blockchain, Blokur
Kenny October 18, 2017
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