Chile's Communion have released TWO albums simultaneously

Release date and preorder info for both albums to be announced shortly. In the meantime, Communion have just revealed two brand-new tracks at Hells Headbangers' official YouTube channel: "Secret Rites," from At the Announcement, can be heard here while "Witching Thrust," from The Communion, can be heard here.
One of the most cult bands in the shit-hot South American black/death scene, for nearly a decade now, Communion have been cultivating a mystique and work ethic like no other. Staunchly DIY and largely rejecting the gross machinations of the European "metal" industry, Communion have built up a sparse yet strangely vast body of work comprising myriad short-length releases - sometimes, true "singles" in that the release will feature only one track - that are either self-released or released through vocalist/bassist Deathmessiah's Proselytism label, which has become ground zero for the very best in nowadays South American black/death. Despite their often-short runtimes, each Communion release is its own special world, ranging the rich history of South American metal, from its blackest, most sulfurous depths to its most traditional, headbanging heights. That one band can encompass a relatively expansive swath of sounds whilst remaining uniquely rigid and focused in their attack has endeared the band to legions the world over, all of whom await each Communion release with bated breath and cherish it as a true artifact.
A statement from Deathmessiah reads: "Many people ask us why we haven't been signed and released any album before. Well, the truth is that we have been ripped off by an ex-member who played drums and owns a studio called DM6, and after being kicked out of the band, he magically 'lost' our first-album tracks - only voice needed to be recorded, and we previously paid 50% in advance - and also ripped off my label with other recordings I paid in advance, too, and from which we never got any fucking tracks or money back. All that made us waste YEARS of work, and my label got really financially affected, too. But now, after I found the right souls to work with and after being in the depths of the underground releasing demos after demos and playing in several countries through South and North America, we are attacking once more now with twice as much strength!"
Continuing, Deathmessiah reveals, "Besides that, when we entered again to record with a newer lineup, our recordings took a lot of time in the mixing so we could get a personal sound that will remain as dark, ferocious, and professional as we could achieve. We worked hard on the lyrics, which are totally straightforward. Both albums are linked lyrically. What we want to say with them in the end is to 'keep ever open eyes,' and there's nothing better to sing it with total destructive and hypnotic metal."
As for working with Hells Headbangers and The Sinister Flame, "With my label work, I have been in contact with Hells Headbangers and The Sinister Flame for many years. We'e been working together arranging trades since the early 2000s, and I know they are 100% into metal and dedicated to their unholy work, and that's what really counts for me and for the future of Communion, which will forge two more albums, The Ordeals and Take This Torch. These labels have spread our name before we signed with them and supported my work in many ways, and I truly believe they're not afraid to show and be themselves as record labels and persons, instead of following a sheep-minded world that's trying to turn you into an ignorant coward. So, let's celebrate the funeral of mercy with pure WITCHING METAL!"
As a prelude to the imminent double-album attack, Communion shall be embarking upon their first North American tour this month, alongside new Hells Headbangers comrades (and fellow Chilean tyrants) Slaughtbbath. Confirmed dates are as follows:
September 8-9 - Wings of Metal Festival, QC
September 12 - Worcester, MA
September 13 - Brooklyn, NY
September 14 - Philadelphia, PA
September 15 - Cleveland, OH
September 16 - Chicago, IL
September 17 - Hamtramck, MI
September 20 - Buffalo, NY
September 21 - Toronto, ON
September 22 - Sherbrooke, QC
September 23 - Considered Dead Festival, QC
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Tags: Communion, The Communion, Death Metal
Red Baron September 02, 2017
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