On October 6th, Blood Harvest Records will release three brand-new cassette tapes: Cosmic Void Ritual's The Excreted Remains of the Sabatier System, Draghkar's World Unraveled, and Ensepulcher's No Sanctity in Death. More info follows below.
The work of one Unknown Entity, Cosmic Void Ritual is pure '90s death metal insanity, seeking the outer reaches of the genre by combining labyrinthine songwriting with levitational atmosphere; imagine Demlich crossed with Timeghoul, if you will. So far, Cosmic Void Ritual has recorded two two-track demos - one which was an extremely limited cassette, the other exclusively on Bandcamp - and now Blood Harvest combines them onto one tape entitled The Excreted Remains of the Sabatier System. If the title alone didn't say enough, then surely titles like "Entrail Star Formation (Planetary Extinction Phase III)" and "Mists of Intoxicating Conquest (The Demise of Entire Universes - Moon IV)" should!
Full stream can be heard HERE Preorder info can be found HERE! Track listing is as follows:
Tracklisting for Cosmic Void Ritual's The Excreted Remains of the Sabatier System
1. Leaking Alien Sacrelige (Surgical Entropy Pt I)
2. The Fall...Relic Death Spells (Lifeless Post-Surgical Being Pt II)
3. Entrail Star Formation (Planetary Extinction Phase III)
4. Mists of Intoxicating Conquest (The Demise of Entire Universes - Moon IV)
Draghkar's debut recording, World Unraveled, was originally released earlier this year, but only digitally. Murky and miasmic, this California duo expertly craft death metal with a most doomed-out splendor. The way each of the three songs comprising World Unraveled surge and slither, wend and wind, is warped and always unsettling - and always surprising; literally, this sounds like its title. Completed by a grungy 'n' gangrenous recording, Draghkar make quite an opening statement!
Full stream can be heard HERE! Preorder info can be found HERE! Track listing is as follows:
Tracklisting for Draghkar's World Unraveled
1. Wings Over Malkier
2. Cowering In The Town Of Blinded Eyes
3. World Unraveled
Ensepulcher's debut recording, No Sanctity in Death, was originally released earlier this year on cassette, but in an extremely limited edition. Ensepulcher may be a relatively new entity, but this California duo collectively have deep roots in their state's death metal scene, with both members concurrently doing time in Fiend. With such a grounding, it's no surprise that No Sanctity in Death does exactly what it says: filthy and galloping DEATH METAL done the ancient Swedish way, and with ghastly 'n' guttural vocals to boot.
Full stream can be heard HERE! Preorder info can be found HERE! Track listing is as follows:
Tracklisting for Ensepulcher's No Sanctity in Death
1. Intro/No Sanctity in Death
2. Perishing in Morbidity
3. Death and Decay
4. Funeral Cessation
Blood Harvest Records: HERE!
Blood Harvest Bandcamp: HERE!
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Blood Harvest Facebook: HERE!
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