Infernal Majasty: "Unholier than thou"

They are best known for their debut album ‘None Shall Defy’, released in 1987. Prior to their debut full length Infernäl Mäjesty released their self titled four track debut demo in 1986. One year after the debut they recorded a second demo ‘Nigresent Dissolution’. Infernal Majesty’s second album is now finally re-issued. The album was released eleven years after their massive mile stone debut ‘Non Shall Defy’ in 1998. Bonus to the album comes the live album ‘Chaos in Copenhagen’, originally released in 2000. Remastered by Tom Palms (Phlebotomized guitar player, also Pestilence, Sinister remasters). Liner notes by Stephan Gebedi (Thanatos, ex Hail of Bullets, and Aardschok (The Netherlands) journalist with vocalist Christoffer Bailey.
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Tags: Infernal Majesty, Unholier than thou, Canadian, Extreme Metal
Kenny Larson June 15, 2017
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