The Wait is Over: Mastodon to Release New Album

“The last couple of years have been not, there’s been some illness within the band’s family, there’s been a bunch cancer, so the whole album is sort of all about cancer basically. Well, not literally. It’s a big story that sort roped to go along with it. It takes place in the desert,” drummer Brann Dailor said in an interview with LoudWire.
“Emperor of Sand is like the grim reaper,” says Dailor said. “Sand represents time. If you or anyone you know has ever received a terminal diagnosis, the first thought is about time. Invariably, you ask, ‘How much time is left?'” Meanwhile, bassist Troy Sanders adds, “We’re reflecting on mortality. To that end, the album ties into our entire discography. It’s 17 years in the making, but it’s also a direct reaction to the last two years. We tend to draw inspiration from very real things in our lives.”
You can catch Mastodon on tour starting April 14, bringing Eagles of Death Metal and Russian Circles along with them. See the full list of stops at our 2017 Guide to Rock + Metal Tours.
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Tags: Mastodon, Emporor of Sand, New Album, Georgia
Lindsay O’Connor February 03, 2017
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