Jarhead Red Interviews "A Sense of Purpose"

Last week, I had an old friend that I have known for almost fifteen years, ask me if I was interested in doing some writing about a subject that we are both very passionate about. The flaming skull pounding inside your head for the glory of all that which is Metal! Strength. Power. Honor. Loyalty. Pure Freedom of Expression and not quite fitting in with the pop heads. This is who we are!
Last night (8/22/16), through a series of serendipitous events I had the privilege of chatting with bassist, Seth Holt, of the new band, "A Sense of Purpose," of Akron, Ohio. We sat with each other while I blasted their new EP "Zoetic" through the studio speakers in my office.
Sun 08/22/2016 7:45pm
Seth: Hey Brian (my real name), thanks for accepting the request! I just noticed we had similar taste in music and I wanted to take a second to introduce my band to you. If you entertain a listen, I can’t thank you enough. If not, that is fine. Either, I thank you for your time!
The EP can be ordered on iTunes, Listened to on Spotify and heard below:
Jarhead Red (Me): I'm a writer for The Gauntlet. I'm interested in learning more about your creative process. No problem, I'm excited to listen to your material this evening. I'm going to pull it up on my Spotify account and put it on rotation for a few hours just for you.
Seth: Thank you, Brian! And, is there a website for The Gauntlet?
We have our entire new EP titled Zoetic on Spotify!
I know of a website titled The Gauntlet, but I wanted to confirm that it was the same site.
Jarhead Red: Yes sir I just got added to the roster like 4 days ago and I'm fucking stoked. You guys get to be my first victim or Victor. Judging from what I've heard so far you guys have the victor.
Seth - viewing thegauntlet.com: Is this the site?!
Jarhead Red: Yeah! I'm brand new. I don't have any of my shit up there yet. I'm still a greenhorn.
Seth: Dude, we would be honored to be one of your first write ups!
Jarhead Red: I'm blasting motherfucker to my studio speakers right now. I have a meeting with the guy who brought me on tomorrow morning. I'm gonna a run this past the boss man and I want this to be my first project.
Seth: Thank you so much, man! Please keep in touch. If we have to answer any questions for you at all in support of the project, please let me know and we will promptly address them.
Jarhead Red: The guitars are astonishing rhythmically. Your drummer ain't no punk either.
Seth: Thank you, man! Yeah, our drummer is pretty polished. And, we try to keep it interesting with the rhythms.
Jarhead Red: In all humility I'm just as stoked as you guys are.
Seth: Thank you, Brian. Have you wrote for any other blogs and what not in the past?
Jarhead Red: No sir I'm just a knucklehead that works at RadioShack. This glorious opportunity just fell in my lap. Pray to the Metal Gods that I don't shit on this one.
I'm tipping my hat to whoever did the post-production. I shit you not my 7 band EQ is a straight line and it sounds great. I would have pulled up the lower mid-range of the vocals just by a nut hair. That aside I certainly couldn't have done better. I'm digging it.
Seth: Thanks again! Are you familiar with the band Affiance? If so, they just released an EP titled GAIA, and we recorded with the same producer as them. Well, we recorded all the strings on our own. He handled everything else, though.
Jarhead Red: Right on man! I'll be back in about an hour. I'm going to run through that new record again with my JBL headphones.
Seth: Awesome. Yeah, man, just keep in touch with me.
Jarhead Red: You have my word.
Seth: Thanks again for considering us for this opportunity.
Jarhead Red: The timing of your friend request was impeccable. Seriously thinking it's act of Providence from that great Metal stage in the sky.
Seth: Call it coincidence, call it intuition or chance! Whatever it may have been, I'm just happy the stars happened to align in such a way. JBLs are top notch, by the way. Excellent selection.
Jarhead Red: I listen to Iron Maiden's "Piece of Mind" on these bad boys when I first got them. I could hear shit on that record that I did not know was there.
Seth: Piece of Mind is my favorite Maiden album. How much did those JBLs run you?
Jarhead Red: I can tell already that you and I bleed the same brother. They are on sale for a hundred bucks at any Sprint retailer if you have a Sprint account. Just walk into any one of their stores. Stay with me now hold on there don't go anywhere
Seth: I'm nearby ha ha. I had to run to my car real quick. How does it sound the second time around?
Seth: HAHAHAHA I take that as a good sign!!
Jarhead Red: I hear some "After The Burial" and if I am not mistaken "Rush" Influences. You motherfuckers this is extraordinary.
Seth: Lol Thank you so much. We are big fans of both bands, admittedly. But how can any metal head not draw some influence from Rush?! That is probably the highest compliment we have received.
Jarhead Red: You know I got to tell you, when we lost Justin, I thought that was it. Perfection has reached its climax. But Noooooooo! The phoenix rises from the ashes and that ain't the weed talkin'. That's real bro!
Hoe Lee FUK man.......
Seth: Damn, man. That means so much, because we absolutely love ATB and we were devastated by his passing. They are inspirations to us.
Jarhead Red: I only had one opportunity to meet him once here in Kansas City. That's about 20 to 25 minute conversation I will never forget. Where are you guys from?
Seth: I was equally devastated by the loss of Tom Searle of Architects yesterday morning. Both big influences. We are from Akron, Ohio, which is near Cleveland.
Jarhead Red: The record has a very nice atmosphere. Which I know in post-production putting that out there can be a very delicate process. You guys pulled it off very well. There's nothing oversaturated about it. Please tell me that you guys are planning on taking this on the road.
Seth: Thank you so much! We really wanted to put out an album that offered a better product than what would be expected of a band our size. We definitely plan on touring! We will be getting a van sometime this fall, then we will be on the road every chance we get.
Jarhead Red: Are you guys on any record label?
Seth: No, we aren't. We have never put together a press release, because we wanted to build our resume a little. We still have a lot of material we are sitting on, and we plan on stitching together a more thematic release somewhere down the line. This EP is very new, just released in May, so we are still in that album cycle.
Jarhead Red: Astonishing! Gentlemen I rather enjoy this record. Tell me about your vocalist man.
Seth: Well, our vocalists both sang in larger chorale arrangements and ensembles for Bowling Green - they competed nationally with that. They have many influences, from Plant of Zeppelin to Spencer Sotelo of Periphery. Jon is the main front man, you can hear his singing voice most prominently on the chorus to We are but messengers. He also handles all the screams.
Chris is also our lead guitarist and he does clean singing as well
Jarhead Red: You are really killing it on the bass?
Seth: That would be me, brother haha
Jarhead Red: Man you are right in the pocket the whole fucking record. What got you started playing and what kind of training have you had?
Seth: I'm entirely self-taught. I played guitar for 6 years, then made the transition to bass, because I wanted to play music more than anything and the guys in A Sense of Purpose needed a bassist.
Jarhead Red: I can really hear that in the precision of your performance. Where do you guys see yourselves 12 months from now?
Seth: I mean, ideally, we would like to be doing weekend runs and out of state shows consistently and organizing tours. At that point, we will probably have another EP or full length released as well. If it is not released, we would be entrenched in the recording process at that point.
Jarhead Red: Thank you very much for spending time with me. I have really enjoyed listening to your record and I wish you all the best in your future endeavors. My ears are still ringing ha ha!
Seth: Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it! Please keep in touch!
Jarhead Red: I certainly will brother and holler at the other guys for me.
Seth: Will do!
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Tags: A Sense of Purpose, Metalcore, Akron, Ohio
Jarhead Red August 23, 2016
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