heavy metal

Headcrusher release double vinyl via Spora Recordz

Austin,TX based thrash metal outfit, HeadCrusher brings you Metal From The Mountains Of Colombia! Though the band lives in Austin,TX, their blood runs deep within the lands of Colombia, South America where they all are originally from. Headcrusher has teamed up with local Austin label Spora Recordz ( to put together a sweet run of limited vinyl. This limited edition double LP is on 150gm black vinyl, which includes two different albums in one package, along with a digital download for both records for $25. It comes with a full length of the album, "Let the Blood Run," along with the EP for "Black Burning Skies" on 150gm black vinyl and is available now for purchase at HeadCrusher has also recently confirmed to play a few festivals in South America this summer with one of them being the "Festival Rock Al Parque" on August 16th-18th. More summer festival dates to come. You can stream their newest music video "Common Nonsense" here(insert link), along with both recordz here:

Black Burning Skies

Let The Blood Run

"Common Nonsense" video from Let The Blood Run

Promo pic for the vinyl release

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Tags:  HeadCrusherSpora RecordzAustin TX  

    June 04, 2014

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