LAY DOWN ROTTEN Reveals New Album Details

Albums like Breeding Insanity (Remission Records), Gospel Of The Wretched (Metal Blade Records) and last year's Mask Of Malice (Metal Blade Records) have been well-received within the whole scene and the press. Now, it is time for the first sign of life from the band via their new label-home Apostasy Records!
Deathspell Catharsis is the name of the new output which was once again produced by the band's confidant Thilo Krieger in his Desert Inn Studio. The new album will definitely prove their status and the great artwork by Toshihiro Egewa (Cryptopsy, Defeated Sanity, Krisiun and many more) totally accompanies that impression.
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Tags: Lay Down Rotten, Apostasy Records
Jason Fisher October 21, 2013
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