Live Blogging From The Marilyn Manson Concert

7:42 pm - Still don't have doors
7:35 pm - Butcher Babies to rock the fuck out.
7:01 pm - Opening bands soundcheck is done. So bored. Got here at 6 and 1st band goes on at 9. I need to start checking times.
6:39 pm - YES!!! Problem solved. A guy just came by and picked it up. Drove me nuts that his shoe laces were untied though.
6:35 pm - Damn piece of trash is driving me insane.
6:34 pm - It is like a battle, who will win...OCD or fear of germs.

6:28 pm - Spoke to security guard at the club. he stated that fans began lining up at 6am today.
6:23 pm - The line of Manson's meet n greet fans are being let in. 70 people dressed like Manson carrying watercolor pictures they painted of their idol.

6:01 pm - Fucking cold out. I would put my hoodie on but LAPD out in force and they love shooting guys in hoodies.

5:55 pm - Made it to Nokia. Jerry bus funeral just let out...mass people here.
8:41 am - Be sure to check back tonight at 7pm pst when we go live.
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Tags: marilyn manson, butcher babies
Jason Fisher February 21, 2013
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