heavy metal

Sarah Jezebel Deva Fires Bassist

Vocalist SARAH JEZEBEL DEVA has issued the following band update:

"So, a bit of bad news for some. Due to conflicting jobs/bands and traveling to and from the UK, we have set AblaZ (bass) free to run with the wind. He is the only musician we ever met who can practice at home and meet us on stage and play the set perfect, and the three years he has been part of this band, well, it's been special. We feel he will be much happier in his silver band (STAHLMANN) covered in silver and drinking more beer than the whole of Scotland. Wish him luck and follow him in his career, well, until he turns into a processed sausage ;) ."

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Tags:  Sarah Jezebel Deva    

    October 24, 2012

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