SAXON Cancel This Weekend's Festival Appearance

A message from Saxon states: "Saxon is sad to announce that they have to cancel the performance at Metal Open Air in Sao Luis Brazil due to a serious breach of contract by the promoters. Having waited since March the 15th for the fee to arrive, as of Friday 2 PM no money has arrived. No explanation has been given and Saxon feel being treated with little respect. We left in the situation today and the band with their bags packed and ready to leave but it is impossible to travel all the way with at least some of the fee!
We are really sorry for all our fans there but we are sure that you all can understand that people have to working in a professional way and fulfil their contractual obligations! We are trying to come back to Brazil next year on our world tour and do a special show for the people in that area."
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Tags: Saxon, festival
Jason Fisher April 20, 2012
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