Who Wants To Be AMON AMARTH's 'Sperm Brother'

With Amon Amarth's fantastic new album 'Surtur Rising' and recent headlining trek across the states, one would expect to find a lot of new merchandise from the band. I am not sure which segment of the fanbase the band's new t-shirt targets, but it is a complete and utter fail. What was supposed to read 'Sword Brother' instead looks like 'Sperm Brother.' You can see the fuckup below. If you'd rather be Amon Amarth's 'Sperm Brother,' you can buy one
Not only did they fail with the way the shirt looks, but they also failed with the runes. For those that don't know, runes are a Germanic alphabet that was used in many European alphabets. On the shirt, they used the Common Germanic Runic Scripts. There is one problem though, the rune character for 'e' that looks like a 'W' in brother was printed upside down. I am also curious as to why they used the Common Germanic Runes instead of the Nordic Runes that were used in Sweden. You can see the runic scripts
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Tags: Amon Amarth, runic, Sperm Brother, t-shirt
Jason Fisher May 12, 2011
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