End of Year Recap - Chrigel Glanzmann of ELUVEITIE

Did you have any ‘Spinal Tap’ moments this year?
Chrigel: Well, we've been on tour almost constantly since January... and sometimes it feels like our whole touring life is 'Spinal Tap'. ;) After all, our show in India early this year, where we headlined an open air festival there, had a pretty Spinal Tappy moment, when we got dragged off the stage by armed police dudes in the middle of our set and we had no fucking clue what's going on. Guess we looked like the fathers of all morons that moment, haha. (later on we were told that the show had to be interrupted for security reasons, since the crowd - approx. 20'000 people - was getting too crazy and some guys started tearing down barriers and stuff. After 20 minutes we could go back on stage then.)
What were some of your favorite releases from 2010?
Chrigel: There were quite some nice releases, I guess. As I Lay Dyings "The Powerless Rise" for example. Or Anathemas "We're Here Because We're Here", which I had the honour to enjoy on evening in the tourbus, before the album was even released. Awesome songwriting!
New Year’s resolution?
Chrigel: I don't believe in (new year's) resolutions. I mean, what's the point in it? If you wanna do something (whatever it is), you'll do it anyway. You won't need a resolution. And if there's something you don't exactly want to do, you won't do it (most probably even if you made it a resolution before). So, what's the sense of new year's resolutions? To make you do something you actually don't want to do, or what? I really don't get that concept! :)
Most memorable metal news item of 2010?
Chrigel: Strangely enough... quite some great metal musicians passed away this year. Probably not nicest news to call "memorable" though. But well, they were.
Plans for the holidays?
Chrigel: Ahm... really? I'm musician. I don't do holidays! :)
What’s on your ipod?
Chrigel: To be honest - I don't have one.
If you could bring back one musician from the grave for a day, who and why?
Chrigel: Séamus Ennis (1919 – 1982; Irish piper)! Cause he's the god of the uilleann pipes.
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Tags: ELUVEITIE, Chrigel Glanzmann, end of year
Jason Fisher December 30, 2010
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