End of Year Recap - J-Dog of Hollywood Undead

Did you have any 'Spinal Tap' moments this year?
I've never seen spinal tap. Always hear about. Is it funny?
What were some of your favorite releases from 2010?
Suicide silence "no time to bleed" its what I wanna see in a metal band, dudes with long hair going nuts. Not little emo kids in skinny jeans in striped tanktops doing coordinated jumps and throwing beach balls into the crowd between breakdowns. And having a logo that you can hardly read only helps a metal band. Suicide Silence is where its at for me right now
New Year's resolution?
New years resolution is to get our live show better and touring bigger. And not get fat on tour from all the beer we drink everyday. I think were gonna start getting michelob ultra light on the rider instead of budweiser
Most memorable metal news item of 2010?
I think Dio died in 2010? That sucked. I think The Rev died in 2010 too. Specially him, he was young and talented, probably on the road to riches and didnt get to see their album go to No. 1 on the billboard charts. A young metal band nowadays going No. 1 defies what billboard has always been. Shame he didnt get to see it
Plans for the holidays?
For the holidays? We’ve beaten the crap out of ourselves making our second record all year. We’re done now. It's being mixed. So im gonna relax for the holidays. Well so I thought, both my sisters and my mom are living separately and are all moving at the same time. I’m the only guy in the family so I’m the fuckin grunt that has to move all their shit and set up their internet. So I’ve been doing that
What's on your ipod?
Lately, I’ve been listenin to yelawolf. curious about him, white rapper on Interscope. He Skateboards. I skateboard. And on the other side of the spectrum, suicide silence's last record. Saw them live and was blown away. Drummer is nuts. And i think hes a raiders fan. My ex girlfriend’s old bestfriend is the singer mitch's babies mama. 6 degrees of seperation
If you could bring back one musician
from the grave for a day, who and why?
I’d bring back Charlie Scene, that guy used to be cool man. All he does now is drink mojitos and direct cheap porn movies in Chatsworth. Might as well be dead
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Tags: Hollywood Undead, Octone Records
Jason Fisher December 20, 2010
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