Pennywise frontman to join Sea Shepard Crew in Whale Meat Protest

SEA SHEPHERD, the subject of ANIMAL PLANET'S hit show, WHALE WARS, inspired the team behind Oscar-winning documentary film, THE COVE, to orchestrate what the New York Times describes as "a covert operation to ferret out what the authorities say is illegal whale meat at one of this town's most highly regarded sushi destinations."
When the story broke Monday ( ) and they heard that operators of THE HUMP could at most be fined $20,000 and serve one year in prison for violating the MARINE MAMMAL PROTECTION ACT, Teglas, Lieber and Ko sprang into action, obtaining police approval and organizing a peaceful protest during the lunchtime rush on Friday to encourage Los Angeles area sushi lovers to help put an end to restaurants in the US and Japan selling endangered whale species as delicacies.
The peaceful protest will take place on Friday, March 12, from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at The Hump Restaurant at The Santa Monica Airport - 3221 Donald Douglas Loop South - Santa Monica, CA 90405.
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Tags: Pennywise, Zoli Teglas, Sea Shepard, Whale Meat
admin March 11, 2010
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