heavy metal

Darkthrone to release new album

Darkthrone The unrelenting Norwegian duo, Darkthrone, will welcome a new decade with a new album, to be released on Peaceville Records. Circle The Wagons, a creative feast of metal and punk, will initially be released on vinyl on March 8th, through the Peaceville Records webstore, as an exclusive taster for the legions of metal supporters out there who still care about great music delivered the classic way. The vinyl will also include a link to download a digital version of the album, which will be available when the regular and special edition CD versions of the album are released on April 6th.
The vinyl edition can be pre-ordered now at The packaging and contents of the special edition CD will be announced shortly, and will be available to pre-order from the Circle The Wagons mini-site, which will launch on February 12th.
Circle the Wagons was self-recorded at Necrohell II Studios.
Artwork for the album comes once again courtesy of Dennis Dread, notable for his talents on previous Darkthrone albums, F.O.A.D and 2008's Dark Thrones and Black Flags.
From their thrash and death beginnings to their ascension to the pantheon of black metal greats, Darkthrone has always refused to stand still. They continue to embrace and explore their roots and capture the real spirit of sonic greatness on Circle the Wagons.
Darkthrone sails against the tides of trend and disposable metal, uncompromising and defiant as ever, an ideology expanded upon by Darkthrone drummer/lyricist, Fenriz, when explaining the meaning behind the title...
"The new metal decade starts with our album. It is a message to the invaders of our metal domain to circle their wagons! With our own brand of heavy metal/speed metal-punk we are a constant ambush on the modern overground metal traitors. Join us in our fight against instant gratification, and let's see who stands when the smoke clears."

For more information on Darkthrone, and Circle the Wagons…

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Tags:  DarkthroneCircle the WagonsNecrohell II Studio  

    February 08, 2010

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