Megadeth frontman Dave Mustaine checks in

I have had a really great week and I wanted to share something with you about a movie that I went to go see called, Blind Side. I guess this was a true story about Michael Oher of the Baltimore Ravens, and I really, REALLY enjoyed this movie.
If you are standing at the counter of a theater and finding yourself wondering which movie to go see, go see "Blind Side." I love watching movies where people help people who most people just overlook, just to see them mature, flourish, blossom, come into their own, whatever you want to call it.
I guess you can say that as much as I like watching bad people get what they deserve, I also love seeing good people get what they deserve too. It's just so rare that you see someone going out of their way, or out of their safety zone to do something for someone else that isn't going to result in an immediate pay-off.
I just left a Christmas program at my daughter's babysitter's church. And I was so blown away, because I walked in and the babysitter is playing in the band on keyboards. I usually have a hard time listening to the music in church because - God bless 'em for trying - but most of the volunteers are so bad, and all I do is sit there and sulk.
I had the most amazing surprise listening to this 19 year old girl sing that it freaked me out. She was that good. Really! There was also a little teensy kid with red hair playing the lead in the play and Pam said, "You know you are going to have a red-headed Grand Son soon," and I couldn't help myself from laughing because the kid was so cute. He looked like a little baby chick with fuzzy short red hair, and I was in such a great mood.
I am back at the salt mine and writing music while I am inspired this evening. I will also try to read some more of my friend Brian Tatler from DIAMOND HEAD's new autobiography. I recommend his bio to those of you who like to read a lot. I am not that far along and I am not recommending it for any other reason than Brian is a big influence on both Megadeth and on METALLICA both with DM and with KH, and he is my very dear friend.
I hope all of your teams won today, and I hope Shawn's team hasn't lost again, but they seem to have gotten pretty good at losing over the last five or six games and that doesn't leave me with an innate desire to drop any greenbacks on the yellow and black. Funny how the guys in STRYPER have the same colors as the Steelers.
Sleep well, my Droogs, and make this next week the best week of the year. DO something good for a stranger, just like the Circle Jerks say in their happy little diddy, 'Wonderful':
Be nice, say thank you
And please once in a while
It's a beautiful world we live in
So give your brother a smile
Turn to a stranger
And give him a pat on the back
It's not that hard to
Maybe the friendship will last
Wonderful! (Wonderful)
It's so wonderful! (wonderful)
Wonderful! (Wonderful)
It's so wonderful!
Don't smoke, don't litter
Don't step on a beetle or ant
Always walk on the sidewalk
Never tread on the grass
Be kind, be courteous
Open the door for your mom
Help an old person across the street
Give the bum something to eat
Wonderful! (Wonderful)
It's so wonderful! (wonderful)
Wonderful! (Wonderful)
It's so wonderful!
Be nice, say thank you
Now, you have to appreciate that this is from a punk rock band and the irony is that it is dripping with sarcasm, and the music is great! Check it out, you owe it to yourself. In fact, I have added this song to Megadeth Radio and if you listen 24/7 for the rest of your life, you are sure to hear it several times
So, until we see each other again, have a great Christmas Season or whatever you choose to celebrate. I wish you could see the faces of the kids that got all of the toys you helped me buy. Damn, I love you guys so much for that!"
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Tags: Megadeth, Dave Mustaine, Endgame, Roadrunner Records
admin December 21, 2009
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