ALL ENDS Check In From The Studio

"Hey there crazy as fans....
Anders has a day off today, he will record his last song tomorrow. We had a blast recording the bass; he's lazy as hell but when Roberto give him hell and Tinna and me take away the beer from him he´s really great =)
We've just started recording guitars. Peter doing his fucking job as always, he drinks like a girl, but hey, you can't be the best always. Really looking forward to this week, I will give you reports along the way. And soon, my friends, we will give away some of the songtitles.
Take care, talk later..."
As previously reported, KAMELOT recently confirmed that All Ends will be the main support act for their upcoming shows in Gothenburg and Stockholm, Sweden on April 10th and 11th respectively.
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Tags: All Ends, studio, Sweden
admin November 25, 2009
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