Dave Mustaine - 'All I hear from RR is we are committed to the record' - My ass

"I hope that everyone that is in a band and has been watching how things have transpired are taking notes. This record has been out for weeks and weeks, and no radio play from the radio person at Roadrunner, nothing. Zero.
But that should be expected; this is the same guy I HAD TO ASK to get me interviews. Talk about a Gomer moment!
Now, I am going to be forced to rely on my own radio station to play Megadeth, but that's ok, I seem to be doing the label's job everyday, in every city, and I am used to it after these last two records.
I am waiting to talk to the owner of Roadrunner, and all I ask is that you pray that this guy has even a modicum of respect for me and how hard I have been working for him. And he get's the lionshare of the revenue, while I get news that with the best record I have recorded in decades has now dropped off of the charts.
Kudos Roadrunner, the is the first worldwide critically acclaimed record by the press, and the fans, and you just can't seem to get this right. This is the first time that everyone likes a record of mine, and you can't get us on the radio or into the stores.
I can't tell you how many stores I go into while on tour and I see nothing. And all I hear from RR is we are committed to the record.
My ass."
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Tags: Megadeth, rant, Roadrunner Records, Endgame, Dave Mustaine
admin November 20, 2009
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