Varg reveal coverart

Now we have finished the recordings of Blutaar which is ready to spread its blood-dripping wings over the listeners.
All of us are excited about this album and the collaboration with our producer Andy Classen (BELPHEGOR, LEGION OF THE DAMNED, DIE APOKALYPTISCHEN REITER). The sound is like chalk and cheese together and still warm and natural despite of the brutality. This output doesn't have a polished production, but rather is a rad, aggressive honest to the bone album!

Our music and textures come deep from our hearts and you will hear that during every second. In times when most of the music sounds like plastic pop, the fans will love and appreciate the honest sound.
January 22nd is a red letter day cause on this day Blutaar will be unleashed and go for the throats of all metalheads and fans worldwide.
The wolves are back!!!"
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Tags: Varg, germany, Nuclear Blast Records, Blutaar
admin November 13, 2009
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