heavy metal

Concert Assholes: Sloppy Drunks

Everyone loves to grab a couple shots, followed by a beer chaser and followed by yet another shot, but know when you have had enough. If you notice you are the only one standing on your seat dancing, or the light tech turns a spotlight on you and you hear applause for your behavior, you might have had one too many. I am tired of the happy drunks who talk to me while holding on to me like we are good buddies. Having a conversation with a drunk is even worse. You miss all of their incoherent talk as you just concentrate on their movements to make sure you aren't going to be barfed on. If you want to get drunk, don't have it affect the entire audience.

(gotta look close, kid in black shirt in the back row...15 secs in gets good)

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Tags:  concert assholesdrunkbarf  

    July 16, 2009

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