SIXX:A.M. - "The Next Record Is Going To Surpass Everyone's Expectations"

"Just finished producing and mixing three acoustic tracks for PAPA ROACH at my studio in Nashville. The guys kicked ass at the Sommet Center along with AVENGED SEVENFOLD and BUCKCHERRY. They had a couple of days off after the show so we had a great time catching up and recording. We're all excited about how well 'Lifeline' is doing at radio! #1 at Active Rock Radio and #4 at Alternative Radio! Their album Metamorphosis is Top Ten Billboard. I'm so proud to be a part of it.
I'm also getting ready to wrap up production on Taylor Momsen's (Gossip Girl) debut record for Interscope Records. I gotta tell you…This girl fucking ROCKS! She's an incredible songwriter and has one of the coolest rock voices I've heard. She is insanely talented. That's all I can tell you right now... but keep an eye out for her and her band PRETTY RECKLESS... you're gonna be blown away!
I'm getting ready to go into the studio with Wind-Up Records recording artist IT'S ALIVE. They're a really cool band that I just met recently. Killer songs and amazing vocals.
Finally, I'm happy to report that the next Sixx:A.M. record is going to surpass everyone's expectations! We are working hard to make sure that it is better than the last and we're extremely excited about it!"
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Tags: SIXX A.M., Nikki Sixx, Papa Roach, Buckcherry
jason April 12, 2009
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