Bon Jovi threatens legal action against female tribute band

A legal letter from the law firm Blakely Sokoloff Taylor & Zafman to the girl group BLONDE JOVI has surfaced and states, "It has recently come to our attention that your band is using the mark and name Blonde Jovi in connection with live musical performances; more specifically, a Bon Jovi tribute band. Our investigation also uncovered that you are using BJP's 'Heart And Dagger' Logo trademark prominently on your website. Unfortunately, and despite the fact that our client appreciates the reverence that your band pays tribute to Bon Jovi, as a tribute band, our client nevertheless is charged with the duty of enforcing its trademark rights. In this regard, BJP cannot allow your band to use the mark and name Blonde Jovi (or any other BJP trademarks), as such use creates a likelihood of confusion with our client, and capitalizes on the goodwill and reputation of its well-known marks."
Blonde Jovi have temporarily changed its name to Blonde jersey until they can think of a new name. The band said in a statement "Due to threatened legal action by Jon Bon Jovi's attorneys, we will no longer be using the name BLONDE JOVI. We are temporarily calling ourselves BLONDE JERSEY, until we come up with a new name. If you have any name suggestions, please email us! Nothing containing JOVI, or anything similar to JOVI may be used so BLONDE GIOVI, BLONDE JOE V, BLONDE JOVIE, are not options. Thanks for your support!
Too bad we didn't go with our original name idea of BOOB JOVI! "
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Tags: Bon Jovi, tribute band, Blonde Jovi, Boob Jovi, Blonde Jersey
jason April 05, 2009
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