heavy metal

Unearth guitarist issues update

Unearth UNEARTH guitarist Buz McGrath has issued the following statement:

"Greetings all, I just wanted to take this opportunity to explain my absence from the upcoming Unearth tour with Emmure, Impending Doom, and Born of Osiris.

My wife and I are in the process of adopting a baby, and currently we are overseas taking the final steps to begin our new roles as parents. Not to worry though, as filling in for me will be the extremely capable hands of Emil Werstler of DAATH fame. He is also known in some circles as SHREDDY KRUEGER, so be sure to peep his skills.

This lineup of bands is beyond sick, so do what you gotta do to get to the show! I will be back soon to resume my duties in Unearth, shredding like a chimpanzee on angel dust.

Thanks for your support!
See ya soon."

Unearth frontman Trevor Phipps had this to add: "Everyone can rest assured that we will be playing a full set throughout the 'Fuck School, Fuck Work, Let's Rage! Tour'. We are lucky enough to have the services of Emil Werstler, so we won't miss a beat.

All of us in Unearth want to congratulate Buz and Dawn on their family addition."

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Tags:  UnearthDaathBuz McGrathTrevor PhippsEmil Werstler

    January 12, 2009

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