"This is the best RevCo album I've ever done," Al continued. "As a matter of fact, I think this is the best album - including Ministry, Pailhead, Lard - anything I've ever done, period. Production-wise, song-wise, I'm really, really happy with this record. It's the first CD I've ever gotten back from the mastering studio that I didn't have anything to bitch about. No complaints. I listened to the whole thing and just went, 'OK, that's a wrap. Let's go'!"
Since their formation in 1983, when Jourgensen formed RevCo with Luc Van Acker and Richard 23 from Front 242, Jourgensen has been the only constant member of the popular underground industrial-dance band - along the way, issuing such classic releases as 1985's Big Sexy Land, 1990's Beers, Steers, and Queers, and 1993's Linger Ficken' Good and 2006's Cocked and Loaded (which included appearances by members of ZZ Top, Cheap Trick, the Butthole Surfers, and Jello Biafra), among others. But like all great franchises, there comes a time when the chairman must infuse it with new blood, and that's what Jourgensen is doing with Sex-O Olympic-O. The three talented musicians that he's passing the RevCo torch to - eccentric singer Josh Bradford, guitarist Sin Quirin, and keyboardist/electronic specialist Clayton Worbeck - are certainly qualified for their newly appointed promotions.
Sex-O Olympic-O retains the unmistakable RevCo industrial-dance-metal sound, and sees Quirin, Bradford and Worbeck let first-wave glam rock seep into their already rich sound. Case in point, the soon-to-be quirky anthem (and first single from the album), "I'm Not Gay," which debuted on Ministry's 2008 C U LaTouR" live shows and is now a solid staple on MySpace and Facebook homepages around the world.
Tracks such as "Hookerbot 3000" and "The Red Parrot" show evidence that RevCo's affection for frequenting strip clubs has certainly rubbed off on them musically, as many of the songs sound like a custom-made soundtrack for strippers worldwide to strut their stuff to. But if you dig deep into the lyrics, you'll be afforded a direct look into the warped and twisted mind of Bradford. "Josh recorded a lot of these vocals in his apartment, really thin walls with no soundproofing," points out Worbeck. "He was tracking in the middle of the night with headphones on, yelling at the top of his lungs these bizarre phrases that are in the song. If you think about it, his neighbors weren't hearing music, all they were hearing was him yelling these strange lyrics. His neighbors must think he's insane."
Now that Sex-O Olympic-O is in the can, Jourgensen and his "knuckleheads" plan to begin tracking yet another RevCo release at Jourgensen's 13th Planet Studios in El Paso, TX. As he did with Sex-O, Jourgensen will produce this next release as well as be involved in writing and playing on the album. RevCo will then initiate rehearsals for the upcoming RevCo World Tour, scheduled to begin in April 2009. While Jourgensen won't claim a bunk on RevCo's tour bus for the duration of the trek, he does plan to perform with the band on a few choice dates.
Says Bradford, "The challenge will be coming up with a name for the RevCo tour, since Al already took all of the RevCo-appropriate tour names such as 'CliTour', 'Sphinctour', 'FornicaTour', and 'MasterBaTouR' for Ministry. We'll probably have a contest on the RevCo MySpace site and ask the fans."
In addition to his role in Ministry (co-writing credits on Ministry's 2007 release The Last Sucker and guitar on 2008's Cover Up album) and co-writing credits for RevCo's Sex-O Olympic-O, Grammy-nominated Sin Quirin is currently working with DJ Hardware on the upcoming ReVamp tour to launch January 2009 which finds Quirin and Hardware collaborating on a live genre defying mix of remixes, mashups, and originals in an extremely innovative format. The ReVamp tour will wow audiences with a truly unique experience as Sin and Hardware will offer a combination of Hardware's world class mixing abilities matched with Sin's incredible talents to shred on guitar. The "I'm Not Gay" (Hardware Mixxx) is soon to be unleased upon dancefloors this Christmas via an exclusive internet servicing to North American DJs.
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Tags: Revolting Cocks, Al Jourgensen, Ministry, Thirteenth Planet
jason fisher January 06, 2009
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