Axl Rose: "Interviews Are A Nightmare"

The band's new album Chinese Democracy - which took 15 years to complete and release - entered at number three in the Billboard chart at the beginning of this month with disappointing sales of 261,000 - and critics blamed the chart position on Rose's refusal to promote the disc.
Rumors that he was suffering anthropophobia, a fear of people, were dismissed by his spokesperson last week. And now Rose has confirmed he is fine, and that he will be interviewed at a later stage - even though he hates being questioned.
He tells Britain's The Sun, "There will be proper interviews much later. Good idea or bad, we'll see. I'm happy the record's out, the rest, one nightmare at a time."
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Tags: axl rose, Guns N' Roses, Billboard, chinese democracy
World Entertainment News Network December 16, 2008
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