Rob Zombie puts White Zombie rumor to rest

"Seems to be some weird rumor going around that the other members of WHITE ZOMBIE are not credited on the box set. This is totally false. Everyone is credited for everything. Tons of credits and tons of pictures of everybody who was ever a part of the WZ history. Unfortunately, there were a few fuck ups on the credits, but it is being fixed for the second printing. I guess I should have proof read that shit."
White Zombie - the musical horror show that mixed dark pop culture with metallic hard rock - has been resurrected on the four-CD/1-DVD box set Let Sleeping Corpses Lie (Geffen/UMe), releasing November 25, 2008. The CDs bring together for the first time all 64 original studio recordings released by the band led by Rob Zombie during its 1985-1996 career. The DVD offers nine music videos, 10 live performances, and some hidden gems.
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Tags: white zombie, rob zombie, rumor, sean yseult, universal records
jason November 22, 2008
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