Immortal Hollywood Show Review

Dying to Pee and bit buzzed from my Rum and Coke, a second bouncer made me pound what was left before he let me in. The crowd around ran frantically to the front of the stage, eager to be at the front, to see these metal legends. Of course, the Avalon continued to fuck with us, as they put a horrible emo band cd on for the house music. I heard the crowd around me rumble with complaint as to what assholes they we're to put on such shit, for a crowd that was clearly ready to hear some black metal.
About 6:45, Lightning Swords of Death hit the stage. Cradle in smoke they swooned the stage with Necro-satan. But the sound guy just couldn't handle them I guess. The feedback on the vocal mic was unbearable, and even drowning out the guitars at some points. They played a dreadfully short set, but the crowd didn't mind. Abbath could be seen stage right, smoking a cig and enjoying watching the only opening band. The tension rose as LSOD finished their set, and then the dreadful emo music came back on…
I started getting pushed even before Immortal came on stage. Jenna started to feel really crowded and bailed on me to stand at the back. But despite how smashed I was getting, I had such a good spot, I didn't want to lose it. This was Immortal. I wanted to be right fucking there.
The cold winds began.
I told one of the guys I was standing with, that they would open with All shall Fall, and of course they did. But didn't expect them to play the first three songs off the new album straight through. They played all the hits, every song that I love. Whether it was from "Sons of Northern Darkness” or "At the Heart of Winter”. Abaath's guitar sounded massive, and with the signature chorus, made the riffs even colder. The three piece band, exploded. Their energy rivaled bands twice their size. And for the record, they are fucking hilarious. At one point, Abbath stopped playing and just sat down on the drum riser and waited for people to scream loud enough to get him to start playing again. At another point he says sarcastically to a fan in front row, "Shut the fuck up! We played that one last time, we have new sheeeeeet.” said Abbath with a smile on his face. A bra was thrown at him, and it hung on his mic stand. He grabs the bra, puts it up to his chest to see if it fits, wipes his mouth with it, and throws it back into the crowd and keeps playing. For such an Iconic black metaller, he certainly had a sense of humor. Immortal wrecked the stage for a little over and hour. I heard grumblings of frustration why they didn't play longer, but based on how the crowd reacted, no one went home dissatisfied. Immortal is one of those bands, you just have to respect and adore for what they were, and what they are. No one sounds like Immortal, and no one can compare to the characters the bands possesses. And the icy winds move on, to the next mountain...
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Tags: Immortal, Abbath, show review, black metal
D-FLOx April 04, 2010
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