Icarus Witch postpones tour

"Icarus Witch's upcoming North American tour supporting original IRON MAIDEN front man, Paul DiAnno has been post-poned until 2009 (dates tba). We will take these next few months to continue working on the new album.
Our thanks go out to Tristan, who has filled in and drummed his ass off for us on the last few shows, as well as drummer Mike Barnett and guitarist Jim Dofka from the band DOFKA who were prepared to join us in backing DiAnno on this tour.
Icarus Witch will now resume auditions for a full-time drummer. Interested applicants should send a link to their playing samples as well as any video, photo & band history to: icaruswitch@gmail.com
See you in the new year..."
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Tags: ICARUS WITCH, Tristan, Mike Barnett, Paul Dianno, Iron Maiden
jason November 12, 2008
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