Top 10 20 rumored release dates for Guns N' Roses Chinese Democracy

Guns N' Roses manager, Doug Goldstein, confirms to Rolling Stone Magazine that Axl Rose and crew are in an LA studio recording and to expect the new album to be released in 1999.
Geffen Records reps confirm Guns N' Roses is in the studio and have 300+ hours of recorded material. The label states while it is "possible for a release in 1998, it isn't likely to be released until mid-1999."
Bryn Bridenthal, GNR spokesperson, announces that the band is working on an "electronic-influenced" album and that "we're anticipating a record next summer."
March 1, 1999
Geffen Records offers Axl Rose $1 million if the new GNR album is released by March 1, 1999.
November 1999
The Chinese Democracy era in full swing, Axl Rose confirms the band is motivated to see the album in stores by November 1999. Band and label insiders confirm this as well.
end of 1999
In August of 1999, Universal Records states that the new GNR album is tentatively scheduled to be released by the end of the year.
In November of 1999, GNR manager, Doug Goldstein tells the LA Times that Chinese Democracy will be released in the year 2000.
Axl Rose informs MTV's Kurt Loder during an interview that the band has recorded 2 albums worth of material and he is happy with it. Axl states "We're hoping, yes definatley, everything seems to be going well" when asked if the album will be released in 2000.
Summer 2000
Both Axl Rose and band manager Doug Goldstein tell Rolling Stone Magazine that Chinese Democracy is 99% complete and the album will be released in the Summer of 2000.
June 2001
An O Globo article confirms that Chinese Democracy will be released June 2001 and that "Fans will be rewarded for the long wait."
late 2004
While confirming the departure of guitarist Buckethead, GNR confirms to announce an official release date in the next few months and to expect the album by the end of the year.
early 2006
Rose tells a group of fans that the album will be released in early 2006.
March 2006
Axl Rose confirms to MTV News that the album is nearly complete and will contain 13 songs. Promises that "fans will hear the new album this year."
Slash, who hasn't been in the band in almost 10 years, confirms that Chinese Democracy is "coming out in March!"
April 2006
In March, 2006, posts news confirming that Chinese Democracy will atlast be released in April 2006.
Summer 2006
At Rock in Rio in April, Axl Rose confirms the new album will hit store shelves "this Summer!"
Fall, late Fall, sometime this year
While Axl Rose makes a surprise stop at the Eddie Trunk radio show in NYC, he states that the album will be released "sometime this Fall or late Fall."
13 Tuesdays left in 2006
The bands official website is re-done and a posting from Axl states, "As for the forthcoming Guns N' Roses Chinese Democracy album, there are only 13 Tuesday's left between now and the end of the year."
November 21, 2006, 10 Tuesday's left
In the October issues of Rolling Stone, a release date is confirmed! Band manager Merck Mercariadis tells the magazine that a release date might not even be announced, "there are now only 10 Tuesday's left in the year and you might just walk into a record store one Tuesday and find it there."
March 6, 2007
Axl Rose updates fans on the bands website stating the album won't be released in 2006, band manager Merck has been fired and the album will be released March 6, 2007. He goes on to say "We would like to assure the fans that everything in our power will be done to meet this date. Once it is finalized and official, you will be notified. If we are delayed for unseen reasons, you also will be notified as soon as possible in regard to a new date, and the album will be released as shortly thereafter as is possible."
getting close
In May of 2007, band lawyers post on the GNR website that "As far as the release of the album goes, all I can tell you is that I honestly believe we are getting close."
November 23, 2008
Band manager, Andy Gould, confirms that Best Buy will release the long awaited release of Chinese Democracy on November 23, 2008.
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Tags: chinese democracy, geffen records, axl rose, guns n roses, slash
jason fisher November 10, 2008
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