HOD completes IBEX MOON debut

In a statement from the band, guitarist Lord Necron posts: "Our debut album is now finished. The album will be titled 'Serpent' as announced earlier. We had Proscriptor of ABSU master the album at his studio Tarot Productions. He did a great job of making it all come together. We expect this album to be out this February on IBEX MOON RECORDS. Cover art was done by the very talented Mark Riddick. We plan to put some new songs on our MySpace page in the coming weeks."
The final track listing for 'Serpent':
Ritual of Vengeance
God of Darkness and Winter
Nine Days
Harbinger of Death
The Serpent of the Nightmare Empire
Check back at the band's official MySpace page for more info and tour dates: http://www.myspace.com/hodtheband
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Tags: HOD, Ibex Moon Records, Serpent, extreme metal
jason November 05, 2008
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