heavy metal

XM Radio to launch station entirely devoted to Metallica

Metallica Apparently, XM Satellite Radio will soon be launching "Mandatory Metallica," a station that will be entirely dedicated to the fearsome foursome. Metallica offered the following update on their Web site:

"All Met, all the time . . . if you just can't get enough, check out "Mandatory Metallica" on XM Radio starting August 16 on XM 51. The satellite station will be playing songs from all the albums, live recordings and interviews hosted by . . . yes, us! We're also lucky enough that a few of our friends agreed to chat with XM about music and 'Tallica including Linkin Park, Slipknot, Disburbed, Chris Cornell, Guns n Roses, Mastodon, and a few others that you'll hear during our show. "Mandatory Metallica" on XM 51 will be available August 16-September 30. The schedule will be posted at very soon."

Don't forget to help choose a more suitable title for Metallica's new album right here.

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Tags:  metallicamission metallicaxm radio  

    August 08, 2008

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