Former QUIET RIOT Drummer Issues Update On FREAKSHOW

"I am really pleased and amazed about all the wonderful attention that the FREAKSHOW project has garnered in such a short period of time and at such an early stage.
"Here are some facts as I know them to be. Markus has written some fantastic songs. I flew up to San Jose last week and slammed out serious rock drum tracks which I am very proud of. As I write this, Markus is in the studio continuing to work on the material. CINDERELLA's mighty Jeff LaBar will be flying in the next few weeks to add his guitar virtuosity to these great songs.
"Yesterday it was announced that Tony Franklin [WHITESNAKE, THE FIRM, BLUE MURDER] will be laying down the bass tracks for the FREAKSHOW recordings. Markus and I had discussed the bass player situation, and since I was available to record the drums right away, we did not seek, search or cattle call for bass players, but rather decided to get the best bass player to record the best bass tracks. I recommended Tony as he is not only the best, but also my favorite bass player. Markus wholeheartedly agreed as he is all too familiar with the gifted Mr. Franklin! Having said that, there are no mutual plans for Tony to continue beyond the recordings. Sometimes a simple mention here or there seems to create an artificial life of its own! The last thing anyone involved in FREAKSHOW wants is to disappoint the fans due to misconceptions.
"Now then, while Tony has agreed to record the FREAKSHOW bass tracks, there has not been any discussion of any participation on his part beyond the recordings. So I think that it is important for everyone to understand that we are trying to make the FREAKSHOW recordings the best that they can possibly be and as memorable as possible for those who might listen to it. Beyond that, the future of FREAKSHOW is up to you, the listener and the fans!"
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Tags: Freakshow, QUIET RIOT, Frankie Banali, CINDERELLA, Jeff LaBar
jason July 30, 2008
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